Content Integrator
Content Integrator will deliver an industry leading, scalable solution that provides a strategic platform for the integration of Third Party bookings into the Travelport+ environment. This new environment will gradually replace the ‘tactical’ integration methodologies currently deployed.
The first implementation of the new Content Integrator functionality will be with GTA. Content Integrator does not change any of the ‘front end’ booking methods (Travelport+ Leisure); it only changes the ‘back end’ integration.
Bookings will continue to be made using the existing functionality of the Third Party (e.g., the existing GTA web site through Travelport+ Leisure). On completion of the booking process the agent will be offered the opportunity to integrate the Third Party booking into a Travelport+ Booking File. The Third Party will then send a message to Travelport+, which will store the data in such a way that when the agent retrieves the Travelport+ Booking File it will contain a copy of the Third Party booking. Any changes to the Third Party booking will be made using the existing functionality of the Third Party, which will then send a further update to Travelport+ allowing complete synchronisation between the Third party and Travelport+. The data held in the Travelport+ environment will be included/displayed through specific Access products, MIR, TRAVELPORT BOOKING FEED (TBF), Itinerary/Invoice and Viewtrip.
The following diagram provides a high level overview of the architecture.
Travelport has renamed Galileo IDS (GIDS) to Travelport Booking Feed - TBF
The Content Integrator project includes the following high level changes (detailed descriptions of changes will follow as part of specific product sections):
Integration of Third party (GTA) bookings at time of create, modification and cancellation in the GTA system
Changes to Travelport+ Booking Files to handle ‘integrated content’.
New ‘integrated content’ field.
Changes to ‘End Transact’ and Name Field processing
Concept of ‘empty’ Booking Files.
Changes to the following access products:
Focalpoint – standalone and within ‘Galileo Desktop.' Booking File display as above.
Viewpoint – v2.5 and above
Changes to the following document production and hand-off products:
Itinerary print
MIR handoff
Travelport Booking Feed (TBF)
New services for API clients – XML Select, Desktop API and Galileo Web Services